Couple / Marriage Counseling
Couples therapy will help you improve communication, grow closer, and work through concerns.
Service Description
Much of this work can be done in individual therapy. Our therapists recommend individuals engage in personal therapy before bringing additional people into the mix. If you and your loved ones are ready to move forward, we here at Mood love working with relationships. 1. Couples Counseling a. Recovering from betrayal b. Mixed faith and differentiation c. Strengths-focused d. Understanding our unique history and stress management style e. Understanding our own and partners trauma history f. Active listening, conscious expression g. Emotion Focused Treatment h. Gottman Research based 2. Parent/child a. Parenting adolescents and young adults b. Parenting history/generational trauma c. Recovering after betrayal d. Recovering after divorce e. Connected Family Treatment f. Blended Family 3. Family relationships a. Blended families b. Mixed faith family counseling c. Caring for aging parents d. Co-dependency e. Improved sibling realtionships